I would like to share with my lovely readers,
some family time with you all.. expressing how much we all love each other, treasure special time together and make sure we have heaps of fun. Family is SO important to me and I love talking about our adventures and fun times together.
An afternoon in the sun, the weekly school run to collect Mia Moo, Waynes beautiful little blonde girly. Nearly 5, oozing character and indcredible talent, little Mia comes to see us all once a week, where we enjoy listening to her stories / latest school gossip / birthday wish list ;) and rambles.. All highly detailed and exaggerated with great excitement. Its lovely and she is a true inspiration. So sweet and truly enthusiastic about everything. The high-light of her week being, making her room into a 'woody-den' Toy Story fan =)
I love nothing less than seeing her and her little brother, our wee dude Noah play / scrap and laugh together. So cheeky but adorable with it.. Together they made daddy feel a little queasy on the spinny ride they like at the park, but they didn't care, they just wanted to go FASTER!

This afternoon we took a lovely long walk through Cheltenham, looking at little birds, flowers, butterflys and other pretty spring things, like crunchy brown leaves and twigs. All things a 2 and 5 year old love to look at, smell and collect. So with a buggy armed with a collection of bits and bobs, we stopped by the park.
Its so sweet, when you take a step back and watch little ones, communicate, find things for the first time and react to things.. Noah makes me giggle everytime, as he is now at an age where he very much has a mind of his own and is very clear about what he likes at the park. The swing is a huge hit everytime, along with the
'weeeeee', which is the slide, haha!!
He has his own vocabulary at the moment and each day can manage another word, which is ace. His new one is "here?" when we tell him it's nap or bedtime, and the "here?" is usually the sofa in the living room so he can watch "Finding Nemo" or a "Turtles Tale", he loves fish and everything to do with the sea! Watching him copy his big sister is the cutest thing in the world, always a step or two behind and never fully able, but still always puts in 100% effort and again, like his big sister so incredibly excited and enthusiastic about everything. His little face lit up this afternoon when he found a dandelion, running as fast as he can over to me and
Wayne calling, Mama Daddy Muma Daddy, holding it up in the air... So lush! You just can't beat being a parent. Its the most amazing job in the world.
Noah is a true inspiration to me. His love for everything, enjoyment and excitment as he learns and sees things for the 1st time. Together they are the 2 smallest, most expensive but best things in our lives heehee... and we are very much looking forward to this years summer fun in the holidays; beach, sun, ice-cream and fresh air.
Im off now to enjoy the evening with my lovely other half, Wayne who I really do ignore most nights because I am so super busy planning and working on weddings, heehee!! So it's my turn to make coffee and serve up a late snack, Millionaire Belgian Choco and Caramel Tart, mmmmm!! Night all..
I hope you have enjoyed my post, sharing a little family time with you all... Its important to me that you all know the real person behind Ladyamy. Wedding Planner and Mummy too ;)
Thankyou for reading
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