a few beautiful words...
Good evening all my gorgeous and trusted blog readers. So this weekend I have dedicated to my beautiful little boy and lots of 'wedding research', keeping up to date with trends / ideas and inspiration. Sometimes I feel like all I do is work work work, but when you LOVE what you're doing so much, its hard to resist.. Firstly let me introduce (for those of you who do not already no him) My gorgeous little dude, Noah. He is nearly 2 and comes nearly everywhere with me heehee... although he started nursery a few weeks ago, so I now have days of pure wedding goodyness, which is like HEAVEN!!
I thought I had to share with you, the carnaval on the little wedding blog as such ideas and inspiration would be awesome if used for a wedding theme.
A creative, carnaval, DIY crazy, colourful and exciting theme..
I treated myself to a few lovely 'wedding' and 'love' related books. Collecting up quotes and a variety of short poems which would be amazing used at a wedding / blessing / renewing of vows..
I would like to share with you my fave ones...
Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfil them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves
Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
Love is as effortless as breathing and as lovely as fallen snow
Julie Krone
Love and reason are forever strangers
Stuart and Linda Macfarlane
By love all are bewildered, stupefied, intoxicated by the wine of love
Farid Al Din Attar
Love makes bitter sweet;
love converts base copeer to gold.
By love dregs become clear;
By love pains become healing.
By love the dead are brought to life;
By love a king is made a slave.
Jalal Al Din Rumi
Love is...
second life, it grows into the soul
warms every vein,
and beats in every pulse.
Joseph Addison
I will share more of these beautiful words with you every week. They are so lovely, I smile the entire time I am reading and typing. I hope you enjoyed them?
So what is Ladyamy up to this week? I shall be meeting a local fellow, and pretty damn gorgeous planner, Jessie Thomson, for a goss and chat about out latest Wedding news, share inspiration and maybe a glass of Vino ;) We will be beginning our evening at the Queens Hotel, wedding event so if you are attending, maybe see you there.. We feel its very important to make friends within the industry and actually have very similar ideas and loves about weddings
The Queens hotel is a stunning venue. Based in the heart of Cheltenham, looking over the beautiful Beer Gardens. Ladyamy actually has a Wedding this summer, so stay tuned for all the details on that.
Dont miss Ladyamys guest blog post this wednesday on the Knots and Kisses Blog
I hope you have enjoyed my post this evening?
Love Lauren
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