Inspired by my surroundings...

Congratulations on your engagement! Based in the heart of the Cotswolds, Ladyamy Bespoke Wedding Design is surrounded by a beautiful, tranquil, magical setting perfect for a gorgeous wedding day. I specialise in stylish vintage chic weddings. Im deaply inspired by my surrounding and privileged to live somewhere so stunning. I love all things to do with weddings, how can you not. Its such an exciting, special and lovely time. I love being apart of such a magical experience with gorgeous couples, using my natural creative flair and passion for the wedding industry to create the most beautiful and perfect bespoke day for you. I gain my inspiration from a variety of things and this diary is me sharing my 'pretty little finds' I hope you like them... I work with local, loyal and friendly suppliers. Thankyou to the lovely Alison of Daisy Cupcakes and Karen of Karen Massey Photography for their lovely imagery and

Ladyamy Loves

Ladyamy Loves ..Here are a few of my carefully selected and favourite suppliers and links in the industry, which I simply adore. I work closely with local, loyal and friendly suppliers, some offering discounts.

To be finished soon...