So, this evening I wanted to share with you my views and feelings on a very honest blog post I read a couple of mornings ago and LOVED!
It really inspired me... The blog post was written by Kelly, of Boho Events http://www.bohoweddingsandevents.com/ A fellow planner and fab blogger. I am a big fan of Kelly's posts, she is always so honest and informative. She shared with us all how difficult it can be sometimes to get the right work / pleasure balance. This is something I can completely empathise with and I also understand just how tricky it is to juggle work life / home life and pleasure especially being self-employed and running your own show. I recently have been battling, juggling my duties and like Kelly I feel a huge guilt if I take time out to rest or for myself.
These days it is very rare if I am in bed by 1am and I am always up around 7am - 7:30am with my little monkey. Noah is not even 2 yet so he keeps me very busy.
There is always so much to do when he is put to bed, as all parents will find and agree with me, when the little ones go to bed its clear-up time not relax time haha... Especially when they are approaching 2. They are everywhere and in everything. He is like Taz!! A whirl-wind of excitement and joy about everything, interested in everything, ultimately tripling my work load around the house. Don't get me wrong, I kind of love the house being a tip and I love his enthusiasum and creativity, Its just exhausting lol. He wants to show Mummy everything as its all so exciting and new to him.
I am a very passionate person and tend to put nothing less that 150% in to what I do, whetever it is. This has a positive and negative effect. It means I always deliver a high quality and wonderful standard of work but this does mean that I work too hard sometimes and things can take longer.
So who exactly am I? Well, I sometimes feel like I am having an Identity crisis. I am firstly and foremost Noahs Mummy and Waynes partner. Noah is still only a baby and has only recently started going to Nursery once a week to meet new friends and have time away from me. Wayne, is a Chef at the Montpellier Chapter Cheltenham and as you can probably imagine works tricky unsocial hours and this in itself makes things very difficult, as I do not have as much help at home and with Noah.
To pay for Noahs nursery fees, and for some financial support while I lauched Ladyamy I decided to get myself a part-time job and am also the Supervisor of the Brassierie at the Greenway Hotel, Shurdington Road. This job isn't that demanding but as a hotel the hours can be long and it means that the house work tends to get left behind.
Ladyamy work is done most mornings during Noahs nap times, in the evenings after bed time, on Thursdays when Granma has him for the day, Fridays when monkey is at Nursery and in all the bits between. Juggling being a Mummy, girlfriend/housewifey/Supervisor/running Ladyamy and also being Lauren (somewhere) along the line is exhausting and I have to say, my friends are always the last...
I have already made bookings for coffee / business meetings / play dates and catch - ups in September and October, which is Crazy but with an ever growing business, with such awesome 'stuff' coming up in the next few months, I need to be super duper organised. I am so passionate about Ladyamy and its been such an exciting journey so far.. Ive loved every minute so far and things are only going to get better and busier in the coming weeks, months. I have awesome brides and have made some amazing friends / contacts within the industry.. So watch this space.
Anyway.... I'm rambling now. So I'll finish up with a tip, which I always try and stick to. It is difficult to give myself a day off every week but I always try and makesure that when Wayne and I have a day off together, we make the most of it and do something special as a family. Treat us all to dinner or a day out. Something really fun and memorable.
Relaxing on your own is also very important, so I also always try and fit in massage in a Spa, so I can 'zone' out and switch off from all my responsabilities. We all need a little treat, something which we indulge in, dont we? ;)
Thankyou to Kelly for sharing her feelings and I hope you have enjoyed reading my views on this subject too? =)
Love Lauren
Hi Lauren,I am your latest follower! it is very hard being a young mum / mum of young kids! When we met I sensed you were going at about 200 miles an hour! Glad you have built in chill zones for yourself hun! Pop over to my blog if you ever get the time! lol!