Village Fete Inspiration
Good evening everyone, well the last couple of days have been a little grey and very wet here in Cheltenham. So, I thought I would do a colourful, fun Village Fete Themed mood board to brighten things up..
I have an adorable bride this summer with a similar theme, although their wedding is a little more 'festival' styled. Its equaly as creative, colourful and fun.
This idea made me feel very excited and almost like a child again.
With hay bales, pic-nic blankets, colourful bunting, balloons, home made beers and lemonade, tea lights placed randomally amoungst the trees creating a really relaxed atmosphere. Candy floss, pop corn and lolly pops, fun village fete music being played and a few activities for all the guests to take part in, like coconut throwing, sack races and a really fun Photo booth...
Take a look at these images I have collected and put together..

I adore this beauitful wild flower wedding bouquets, so simple. The collection of colours workes perfectly with this brightly coloured wedding theme

I hope you have enjoed this short post... I love writing on the blog but at the moment Im so super busy its difficult to squeeze in the time.. Make sure you catch me over on the Knots and Kisses blog on Wednesday for my 6th guest post, and for those who missed last weeks
Peaches and Cream
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